312.2 cc | 33.54 HP | 174 kg
197.75 cc | 20.52 HP | 152 kg
197.75 cc | 20.23 HP | 149 kg
159.7 cc | 16.3 HP | 146 kg
159.7 cc | 16.28 HP | 143 kg
159.7 cc | 13.95 HP | 140 kg
124.76 cc | 12.73 HP | 120 kg
147.49 cc | 11.93 HP | 122 kg
124.79 cc | 8.78 HP | 116 kg
La Sabana,
contiguo al Banco Nacional, San José, Costa Rica
(+506) 7035 0254
Email Id
Apache RR 310
Apache RTR 200 4V FI
Apache RTR 200 4V
Apache RTR 160 4V FI
Apache RTR 160 4V
Apache RTR 160
TVS Raider
HLX 150 5 Gear
Ntorq 125
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