Did You Know | 03 Jul 2024

Features You Should Have in Your Bike's Instrument Console for Track Riding

Track riding has started gaining popularity in India, and OEMs are working towards democratizing racing by bringing in their own programs. It is commendable how OEMs have managed to make track riding accessible even to riders who do not own a track-friendly motorcycle. While track riding is becoming more accessible, it is important to know what kind of equipment you need on your track bike.

Track riding is a thrilling experience that demands not just skill and precision, but also a well-equipped bike. One of the most critical components of your motorcycle for track riding is the instrument console. This single piece of equipment can provide detailed insights into what is happening with the motorcycle. In the high-pressure, time-sensitive environment of a race, it is crucial for the rider to be aware of the condition of the motorcycle. Several decisions, such as pit stops, lap times, gear engaged, maintaining pace, and braking, depend on the condition of the motorcycle. This makes the instrument console one of the most important components when you ride on the track.

Here are some features you should ideally have in your motorcycle’s instrument console for an enhanced track riding experience.

A Hi-Tech Digital Instrument Console

A modern, tech-laden digital speedometer is a must-have for any track rider who’s training to become a pro. It provides a multitude of precise and instant readings in real time, which are crucial for analysis and improvement of your riding abilities on the track. Unlike analogue speedometers, which offer very limited information, digital instrument consoles can offer a vast set of data which can help a track rider understand how well they’re doing as a racer in real time. For example, a digital instrument console can display lean angles, lap time, and gear engaged, which an analogue console simply cannot. Therefore, having a digital console is the very foundation for accessing useful data which can not only give you an edge on the racetrack but also help you improve by analyzing this data at a later point.

Lap Timer

A lap timer is an essential feature for track riding. It helps the rider monitor their performance by keeping track of the time it takes to complete a lap. This can be invaluable for improving speed and identifying how well you are doing lap after lap.

Gear Position Indicator

On the racetrack, a gear position indicator can be very helpful. As any pro racer would tell you, every corner on a track needs you to be in a certain gear to carry the best speeds. A gear indicator eliminates manual counting and guesswork to determine which gear you are in at any time. This is invaluable in helping you stay in the right gear at any given point, enhancing your lap times.

Lean Angle Sensor

Lean angles are innately related to the speeds you carry around corners, and the ability to lean harder often lends the rider an ability to go faster around corners. A lean angle sensor can help you figure out how hard you are leaning into a corner, and consequently help you go faster as well. You can also analyze this data after the race to help you compare your lean angles with the fastest riders on the grid.

GPS Mapping

It’s essential to follow the racing line to a T in order to be able to go fast around corners. Using GPS mapping, you can analyze your lines after the racing session and see how well you managed to stick to the ideal racing line. This would help you see clearly where you were off the ideal line and improve in the next session.

Instantaneous Speed Recording

This is a fantastic feature that allows the bike to keep a record of your instantaneous speed throughout a track session. You can pull out this data at a later point in time and analyze your speeds at any given point in time. This will help you analyze how fast or slow you were at any point around any given corner and compare it with other riders on the track or with your own fastest laps.

Connected Tech

At the heart of some of the features mentioned above is the connected tech, which allows you to pull all the data from the console into a phone or computer-based app. You can use all that wealth of data to analyze it at a later point for improvement, as some of the above-mentioned data isn’t as useful while riding but can be extremely useful when you analyze it post-session.

Temperature Gauge

Having a temperature gauge on a race bike is extremely helpful. Knowing the engine and ambient temperature can help you adapt your riding style and tyre pressure accordingly. Overheating can cause serious engine damage or even cause the motorcycle to break down in the middle of a race. A temperature gauge keeps you informed and arms you with a tool to mitigate that damage.

ABS Status Indicator

For safety reasons, it is essential to have an ABS status indicator. It informs you of the proper operation of the Anti-lock Braking System on your bike. Riding on the racetrack puts a motorcycle’s braking system under extreme stress, and if the ABS system isn’t working properly, the wheels might lock up and result in a crash. Knowing that the ABS system is functioning properly, and you can brake hard and late without worry is essential to fast lap times and rider safety.

Traction Control Indicator

A traction control indicator helps you maintain fine-tuned control of your bike, especially in challenging track conditions. It lets you know the riding mode you have engaged and how intrusive the traction control system is, allowing you to tweak your riding style accordingly.

Quick Shifter Indicator

An indicator that shows the state of the quick shifter on your bike can be useful. Faster gear changes made possible by quick shifters can save precious milliseconds on the track.

Tire Pressure Monitor

Having a tire pressure monitor on the instrument console can be a terrific boon. Tire pressure can greatly impact the performance and safety of your bike on the track. Having up-to-date knowledge about tire pressure can help you make necessary tweaks to your riding style.


A very basic but essential bit, a tachometer measures your engine’s RPM (Revolutions Per Minute). This is especially important in track riding, where managing your engine’s RPM can make the difference between smooth cornering and a disaster. Some advanced tachometers also come with a shift light indicator that tells you the optimal time to shift gears.

Fuel Gauge & Range Indicator

Knowing how much fuel you have left can help you plan your pit stops more effectively and avoid running out of fuel in the middle of the track. While a fuel gauge tells you how much fuel you have, the range indicator tells you how much further you can go with the fuel you have. This is helpful in planning your pit stops and might help avoid unnecessary stops.

To sum up, the instrument console is essential for track riding. The above-mentioned features can improve your track riding experience by giving you access to important information instantly. Having more information at your disposal will help you make faster, better decisions, enhancing your track riding experience while also making it safer and more enjoyable. Happy racing!

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